West Burlington - Agency Street Trail Engineering and Design
For their capstone project, students in Civil and Environmental Engineering designed a 10-foot wide trail that includes pedestrian cross improvements at several intersections. The trail will improve pedestrian safety and mobility for people traveling to and from essential shopping areas, schools, a medical center, senior housing, and recreation spaces.
The Agency Street Trail project represents a step forward in enhancing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure in West Burlington, Iowa. This project focuses on improving connectivity and safety while promoting healthier, sustainable transportation options for residents and visitors. The centerpiece of the project is a 10-foot-wide trail along the north side of Agency Street, connecting West Burlington Avenue to Gear Avenue. This trail will integrate with the future Broadway Street Trail and the existing Gear Avenue Trail, creating a cohesive network that links residential neighborhoods, commercial areas, Southeastern Community College, the Southeasst Iowa Regional Medical Center, and the RecPlex. Additionally, a connecting trail along Broadway Street will bridge gaps in the existing infrastructure, ensuring seamless access to important community destinations.