Sioux City
Located in northwest Iowa near the scenic Loess Hill, Sioux City is a part of the larger tri-state metropolitan area that encompasses Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota. With over 82,000 residents, Sioux City's focus is on creating a viable, sustainable downtown economy and a multifaceted transportation network to enhance the city's land development, tourism, community pride, and resident engagement. The partnership is led by Michelle Bostinelos, Transportation Planning Director of the Siouxland Interstate Metropolitian Planning Organization, and Charlie Cowell, Planner at the City of Sioux City.
Partnership Profile Image: United Convention, City of Sioux City


Bike and Pedestrian Marketing Plan
Students in the Journalism and Mass Communications department addressed the need for public education about safe road-sharing and the benefits of active transportation by creating a strategic marketing plan focused on these topics. In addition to creating the marketing plan, students produced materials such as fliers and social media content that SIMPCO, Siouxland District Health Department and the City of Sioux City can use to spread this message to the public.
Branding SIMPCO
Students in the Entrepreneurial Management Institute worked with SIMPCO to explore, research, and produce recommendations on ways that SIMPCO could more effectively brand their programs and services to existing and new constituents.
Farmers' Market Mapping
Students from the Geographical and Sustainability Sciences department used GIS to map the sources of the farmers’ market products and locations of their vendors, giving consumers, and market managers - it is a visual understanding of the area over which the local products are sourced. In addition, students researched how the locations of these vendors and the market correspond to food recovery institutions to assist the Farmers’ Market in forming future collaborations.

Greenspace Plan
Graduate students in the School of Urban & Regional Planning researched the following five greenspace priorities for the City of Sioux City and created recommendations on how best to increase greenspaces downtown: opportunities for adding greenspaces along sidewalks; opportunities and designs for adding a pocket park to the downtown; opportunities for green roofs and rooftop gardens; opportunities for improving soil permeability and restoration in greened areas; and opportunities for linking downtown greenspace to bike trail access points.

Radon Mapping
A student in the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences assisted the Siouxland District Health Department with this goal by researching and mapping information about radon concentrations at zip code level throughout Woodbury County.

Rooftop Garden Design
The goal of this project was for senior engineering students to provide structural reviews, specifications, and recommendations for developing a community garden on the parking garage site. The project created a report, structural analysis and designs for rooftop garden, and a poster.
Rural Workforce Solutions
Undergraduate students in the Entrepreneurial Management Institutes’ Business Consulting Course will partner with the Siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council to complete research on strategies for supporting the rural workforce of Woodbury County.

Safe Routes to School
Students conducted walkability assessments in two rural Woodbury County Communities. Using data from the assessments, students used ArcGIS Online to create a map of each community’s walkability strengths and weaknesses.

Salix Comprehensive Plan
Students in the School of Urban & Regional Planning developed a model comprehensive plan for the City of Salix that incorporated Smart Growth principles.
Tourism Communications
Graduate students in a communications campaigns course partnered with several different organizations across the Siouxland region to complete six different communication campaigns about different attractions and assets in the Siouxland region.

Active Transportation Plan - Blue Zones Project™
Graduate students in the School of Urban and Regional Planning conducted a project that aided Sioux City in fulfilling its recently-designated Blue Zones ProjectTM requirement of developing an active transportation plan.

Allying and Practicing Social Justice
Students from the college of Social Work conducted a project that was focused on several programs within the Sioux City area that were seeking to improve their services for and communications with members of the population that are from traditionally disadvantaged and oppressed groups.

Coordinate Early Literacy Resources in Support of Grade-level Reading Success
Students in the School of Library and Information Science partnered with Sioux City Public Library Director Betsy Thompson to identify potential community partners who had a stake in and wanted to develop community partnerships in support of early childhood literacy.

Country Club Boulevard Reconstruction and Traffic Calming Alternatives
Engineering students developed recommendations for traffic calming and reconstruction to lead to a safer roadway for residents of the Hamilton Boulevard intersection area.
Floyd River Drainage Mitigation
Engineering students developed design solutions to mitigate the threat of pooling behind the Floyd River levee and reduce flood insurance rates for the Leeds neighborhood in Sioux City, IA. These designs included recommendations for detention basins, pumping stations, and green alternatives.
Floyd River Trail Improvements
Engineering students designed a new trail layout for the Floyd River Trail that allowed for safer trail access and provided more recreational space for the residents of Sioux City and the surrounding area.

Leeds/Floyd Boulevard Corridor Study
This project focused on the Leeds Neighborhood, located in northeast Sioux City. The commercial corridor within this neighborhood serves as the northeast entryway into Sioux City. The corridor contains a mixture of small retail stores, restaurants, and service establishments that serve the local neighborhood. As new national brand commercial developments continue to develop to the south of the Leeds neighborhood, the future character of its commercial corridor has been called into question. Students from the Urban & Regional Planning Dept.

Neighborhood Housing Study
Students from the Urban and Regional Planning Department completed a housing plan for Sioux City, IA with the main goal of coordinating reinvestment in distressed areas.

Perry Creek Flood Control and Design
Widening, straightening, embankment work, conduit reconstruction, levees, drainage structures, public and private utilities relocation, bridges, street construction, and appurtenant flood control measures to protect persons and property in the Perry Creek Valley. The project started at the Missouri River and continued north upstream to the city limits. Phases 1 through 4 are complete. The Phase 4 Levee raise was completed to 23rd Street in 2012.

Southbridge Industrial Park Utility and Drainage Improvements
Students in the Civil & Environmental Engineering program conducted a project that provided water utility improvements, future sanitary sewer projects, stormwater management, water quality, and flood protection in the Southbridge Industrial Park in Sioux City, IA to support its growth and the attraction of new industries to the area.