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Dubuque Schools, Neighborhoods, and Student Outcomes
Students in the School of Planning and Public Affairs partnered with the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Community School District (DCSD) to study the relationship between housing policy, neighborhoods, and elementary school student achievement.
Housing for a Vibrant Dubuque
Students studied factors that affect a household's locational choice and developed seven recommendations for the City of Dubuque to fulfill its vision of creating a choice of livable neighborhoods and opportunities would attract and retain households, especially young professionals and families.
Increasing Mobility in Dubuque: Developing Alternate Mode-Sharing Opportunities
Students addressed the affordability of transportation by examining opportunities such as car-sharing and bike-sharing in The City of Dubuque. Students analyzed the accessibility of the current transportation system; solicited feedback from focus groups comprised of likely end-users; and synthesized demographic data to access locational feasibility.
Dubuque County Sustainability Indicators
In 2011, Dubuque Regional Smart Planning Consortium was formed and tasked with developing a regional sustainability plan. Building on the 2011-12's Indicator and Indicator Measures for 11 Sustainability Principles for the City of Dubuque, students created measurements for the sustainability goals outlined in the Smart Plan on a regional scale.
Local Foods Action Plan
Dubuque city leaders wanted to increase the production and consumption of local foods as part of their Sustainability Dubuque initiative. In addition to common direct-to-consumer approaches, such as community supported agriculture programs and community gardens, Dubuque city leaders wanted to expand to a higher impact approach by expanding the market for local food producers to sell their products to large institutions.
Portrait of Poverty in Dubuque
Students researched who is in poverty and where they lived in Dubuque, IA; identified barriers to getting out of poverty; and developed recommendations for best practices in anti-poverty initiatives.
One of the cornerstones of sustainability is social/cultural vibrancy. After the City of Dubuque adopted its Sustainable Dubuque plan, city leaders wanted to explore poverty so sustainable initiatives could be provided that addressed the needs of the poor in an informed and efficient manner.
Renewable Energy Asset Map and Return on Investment and Policy Analysis
Students combined geophysical-based renewable energy capacity mapping with return on investment to evaluate how renewable energy can impact Dubuque's sustainability vision.
In order to sustain growth and demand for energy, the City of Dubuque was interested in developing policies for economic development that incorporated renewable energy.
Indicator and Indicator Measurement for 11 Sustainability Principles
Students studied over 40 indicator systems and 1200 potential indicators, and narrowed it down to 60 indicators specifically for the City of Dubuque and its 11 principles through discussion with city staff, public engagement, and analysis of comparable cities. The students developed a score card for each indicator to be used by officials.
Downtown Redevelopment in Burlington
In order to meet the needs of Burlington's vision to enhance the downtown, students in the School of Urban and Regional Planning completed a market analysis for adaptive reuse of a historic building while also developing an overall plan for encouraging private sector development in partnership with a local non-profit.
Charles City Waterfront and Credit Trading
Graduate students in the School of Urban and Regional Planning developed a market analysis for a kayak park on Cedar River and made recommendations for linking the new park to downtown. Students also drafted recommendations to enhance the quality of water in Cedar River through water quality credits trading.
First Step Oskaloosa Solid Waste
Due to Oskaloosa's increase in population, city officials were interested in recommendations that supported growth in a sustainable way. Students evaluated the economic and environmental impacts of the City's waste hauling system and made recommendations for developing a more environmentally friendly and economically sound program.
Keep Columbus Beautiful Celebration
Students developed a series of events that aligned with Earth Day celebrations and involved residents. The final proposal outlined three goals and strategies: actively engage residents in community projects that incorporate sustainability; raise household awareness of resources to help sustain, build, and strengthen the community; and engage the youth and adolescent populations.
Vision Anamosa
Urban and Regional Planning students studied the current state of the downtown area in Anamosa, Iowa and through research drafted a revitalization plan, Vision Anamosa, for local officials to use as they continue to build upon their current efforts.
Wellman Sustainability Plan
Urban and Regional Planning students created The Wellman Sustainability Plan which centers on sustainability-oriented recommendations for the City of Wellman.
Recommendations were drafted based on surveys, public meetings, and discussions with local officials. The Plan was a ten-year road map that categorizes recommendations into seven topics: economic development, water, parks and recreations, transportation, energy efficiency, housing, and food.
Stormwater Management with Permeable Pavement and Bioretention Structures
Engineering students researched the extent of impermeable surfaces in the east-west portion of North Dodge Street Court and developed a stormwater management plan for the city of Iowa City.
Iowa City was interested in the increased application of permeable pavement and bioretention within the city. These systems fell under the umbrella of “green street” designs, which address growing concern for sustainable stormwater management by mimicking local hydrology prior to development.
STAR Sustainability Assessment
Students in the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences assisted the City of Iowa City with their Leadership STAR Community Program application by gathering information about City policies, practices and actions in the areas assessed by STAR.
South Airport Site Development Improvements
Engineering students created a Master Redevelopment Plan that presented findings on the condition of Iowa City's airport facilities and made recommendations on how to most efficiently develop the farmland around the decommissioned southern runway to increase the airport’s future revenue generation capacity.
Water Reclamation for Terry Trueblood Recreation Area
Engineering students created a project aimed at reducing the water demand, energy consumption and costs for Iowa City's Wastewater Division. The students calculated the areas needing irrigation along with the volume of water needed. Pump sizes, electrical service, and a design plan estimating construction and operational costs were the deliverables.
Green Alleyways
Students in the School of Urban and Regional Planning gave four recommendations to the City of Iowa City and the Iowa City Downtown District about waste management in local alleyways in order to increase the use of the sustainability potential of these areas.
Enhancing Urban Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Habitat
Students researched bee diversity in Iowa City, compared it to bee diversity in prairie and agricultural settings, and related it to floral diversity in each setting. They used pan trapping and sweep netting methods to collect bees during their research. They offered recommendations to the City of Iowa City to help the area maintain and increase urban bee diversity.