West Burlington - Luers Park Stormwater Drainage Engineering and Design
For their capstone project, Civil and Environmental Engineering students provided analysis, recommendations, designs, and costs to address flooding in West Burlington's Luers Park.
Roughly 80% of West Burlington's stormwater drains into Luer’s Park, which in turn flows into Izaak Walton Lake to the north. The lake is experiencing severe erosion and sedimentation build-up. Its current outflow structure is unable to discharge an adequate volume of water.
Addressing these issues is crucial for more complete stormwater management; however, this report focuses on efforts that can be made further upstream within the city limits. The surrounding area, including nearby neighborhoods, faces relatively frequent and severe flooding due to inadequate stormwater drainage. Prior stormwater projects to address these issues include the installation of permeable pavers and bank restoration of the creek at the northwest corner of Luers Park.
The student team proposed several projects to reduce, treat, and slow the stormwater that drains into Luers Park: A dry detention basin located in West Burlington Community Park, a network of bioretention cells in the neighborhood west of Luers Park, underground R-Tank storage tanks at Pat Klein Park, and a bioswale located in Luers Park.