Library & Information Science

Pathfinders - Digital Archiving and Storytelling
Students from the School of Library and Information Science will assist Pathfinders RC&D staff in managing, archiving, and exhibiting the vast collection of the organization's records, helping tell the story of Pathfinder's impact across the region since its formation in the 1970s.

Telling the Story of Clinton's Underground Railroad History
Students from the School of Library and Information Science undertook a project to collect and digitize the records of local historians regarding the history of the Underground Railroad in Clinton.
The Clinton area's role in the Underground Railroad is not widely known, even among local residents. This projected culminated in creation of a publicly accessible LibGuide, an easy-to-use content management system.

Jackson County Historical Society Technical Solutions Evaluation
Graduate students in the School of Library & Information Science partnered with Jackson County Historical Society to perform a technical evaluation for building an online compendium of Jackson County, Iowa history.

Keokuk Public Library Bickel Collection Access
Graduate students in the School of Library & Information Science partnered with Keokuk Public Library staff to build a database to extend access to the Bickel Collection housed at the library.

Webster City - Digital Archiving Kendall Young Library
Graduate students in the School of Library & Information Science provided a framework for digitizing thousands of archived local historical records that currently exist only as print documents in Webster City's Kendall Young Library.

Mason City Architectural Inventory Online Platform
Graduate students in the School of Library & Information Science built a framework and online platform for archiving data related to Mason City architecture.

Coordinate Early Literacy Resources in Support of Grade-level Reading Success
Students in the School of Library and Information Science partnered with Sioux City Public Library Director Betsy Thompson to identify potential community partners who had a stake in and wanted to develop community partnerships in support of early childhood literacy.

Enhancing Children's Resources as the Washington Free Public Library
Graduate students in the School of Library and Information Science worked with the Washington Free Public Library to address goals related to the library’s long-term plan, particularly in relation to the Children’s Area. Projects included evaluating the potential for creation of a parenting collection, reclassification of the Children’s Area, and rearranging the Children’s Area to create a welcoming environment.