Pathfinders RC&D
Pathfinders Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) is a nonprofit organization that works with communities in Southeast Iowa to create vibrant places to live, work, and play. They believe that local people can create solutions that work for their communities, and they focus on projects and programs that support local community and economic development, as well as natural resource conservation.
Pathfinders helps communities with projects related to tourism, arts and culture, trail development, small business development, watershed protection/nutrient reduction, and abandoned coal mine reclamation. Among their ongoing services are placemaking, strategic planning, small business loan program, fiscal agent services, grant writing, and grant administration.


Bloomfield - Mutchler Community Center Mural
University of Iowa-based artist Emily Edwards will paint a mural at the Mutchler Community Center in Bloomfield, IA. With input from the staff and community, the artist will create a design that brings a sense of energy and excitement to the space and serves as a memorable community touchpoint.

Jefferson County Parks Engineering and Design
As part of their Senior Design capstone project, a team of civil & environmental engineering students will provide designs, preliminary engineering reports, and cost estimates for a variety of improvements to county parks in Jefferson County.

Navigating Youth Employment for Diverse Stakeholders
A team of law students who are enrolled in the the Community Empowerment Law Project (CELP) will assist Pathfinders Resource Conservation and Development (Pathfinders), together with the South Central Iowa Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) to navigate the complex web of federal and state laws governing youth employment and child labor. The project is driven by the organizations’ shared belief that empowering young people is key to the sustainability of rural communities in Iowa.

New Sharon - Adaptive Reuse
Students in Civil and Environmental Engineering will provide designs for combining two existing buildings into one, multi-use structure.

New Sharon - Subdivision Design and Engineering
Plans for a new subdivision to be located in New Sharon will be designed by students in Civil and Environmental Engineering as part of their capstone.

Pathfinders - Digital Archiving and Storytelling
Students from the School of Library and Information Science will assist Pathfinders RC&D staff in managing, archiving, and exhibiting the vast collection of the organization's records, helping tell the story of Pathfinder's impact across the region since its formation in the 1970s.

Pathfinders - Mapping Accessibility in Iowa’s Cultural Destinations
Students from Public Affairs and from a GIS student organization will help Pathfinders RC&D develop a statewide database and map of accessibility features in Iowa's parks, natural areas, and cultural spaces.
A new statewide initiative from Pathfinders Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) aims to help individuals with disabilities and their caregivers better navigate opportunities to enjoy Iowa’s parks and cultural spaces.

Pathfinders - Mutchler Community Center Building Improvements
For their capstone projects, students in Civic and Environmental Engineering created designs, alternatives, scheduling, and costs to update a community center. Their work focused on several aspects of the building: the parking lot, the building's entryway, layout and partition of the mainfloor, and connectivity of upstairs meeting room to entryway.
Pathfinders - Rural Development Policy Briefs
Students in the course Policy and Persuasion worked with staff from Pathfinders RC&D and the South Central Iowa Local Workforce Development Board to develop policy directions for issues related to five focus areas: rural development hubs, innovation, resource guides, workforce development, mental health, and community capacity.

Pathfinders - Strategic Communications Tools & Practices
Students in a capstone class in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications will work with Pathfinders RC&D to develop strategic communication campaigns and management. Working in teams and individually, students will:

Pathfinders RC&D - Assessing Healthcare Career Pathways
Graduate students in the College of Nursing will partner with South Central Iowa (SCI) communities to develop and present a plan focused on enhancing high school students' access to healthcare career pathways. This project will involve:
Pathfinders RC&D - Oskaloosa Downtown Master Plan
A team of graduate students in Urban and Regional Planning will develop a comprehensive document to guide the future of downtown Oskaloosa. The Oskaloosa Downtown Master Plan will focus particularly on how use of public spaces (e.g. transportation infrastructure, public property) as well as other public support mechanisms (e.g. policies and programming) can enhance and strengthen the downtown district as the heart of the community.

Pathfinders RC&D - Reducing Administrative Burdens for Families in Need
For their MPA capstone project, a group of students will conduct research (e.g. literature review, case studies) to better understand the burden to families and individuals that need to access multiple service providers. They will locate approaches that other communities have developed to make connecting with services more streamlined by offering a single point of contact. During the Spring semester, the group will focus on engaging stakeholders, analyzing existing local conditions, and tailoring recommendations to the region.