Journalism & Mass Communication

Pathfinders - Strategic Communications Tools & Practices
Students in a capstone class in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications will work with Pathfinders RC&D to develop strategic communication campaigns and management. Working in teams and individually, students will:

Dubuque - Photojournalism for Sustainability
Students in a capstone photojournalism course in Journalism & Mass Communication spent three days in Dubuque capturing businesses, homes, and activities related to sustainability and everyday people's efforts to reduce emissions. Their photographs are essential components to the Strategics Communications social media assets, and the Telegraph Herald newspaper insert.
Please note that photos on this project page are compressed for easier viewing.

Dubuque - Residents' Guide to Sustainability (Telegraph Herald Newspaper Insert)
Students in a class in Journalism and Mass Communications develop a Telegraph Newspaper insert that serves as a guide for Dubuque citizens to better understand their city's services and opportunities related to sustainability.

Dubuque - Climate Action Strategic Communications Plans
Students in a strategic communications capstone class in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication created plans to help Dubuque meet its "50% by 2030" carbon footprint goal. To accomplish this, Sustainable Dubuque needs to expand public knowledge of the plan, increase awareness of tools and methods for lowering carbon use, and boost participation by various community sectors.

MRWMA Website Development Recommendations
Students in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication will provide the Maquoketa River Watershed Management Authority (MRWMA) with recommendations for website design, layout, and content to achieve MRWMA's short-term and long-term goals.

Manning- Strategic Communication for Targeting Prospective Residents
Students from the School of Journalism & Mass Communication created strategic communications plan for community leaders in Manning with the goal of attracting new residents to the area.

Columbus Junction Sesquicentennial: Strategic Communication Plan
Students in the Course Advanced Strategic Communications developed communication strategies and defined key goals for the celebration of Columbus Junction's sesquicentennial.
In 2024, Columbus Junction will commemorate 150 years as a community. By getting an early start on planning with the students at the University of Iowa, Mallory Smith, Columbus Junction Community Development Director, is hoping to use the sesquicentennial event as an opportunity to celebrate the ever-changing Columbus Junction community and promote city improvement projects.

Engage and Promote Keokuk
Students from the School of Journalism & Mass Communication created a strategic communication plan for increasing community pride and volunteerism in Keokuk.

Main Street Mason City Strategic Communications Campaign
Journalism & Mass Communication students developed a strategic communications campaign for Main Street Mason City, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization with a mission to “enhance, promote and preserve downtown Mason City as a diverse business, cultural and residential destination, for the benefit of the entire community.”

Maquoketa Art Experience Marketing
Students from the School of Journalism & Mass Communication created a strategic marketing plan to attract artists and art enthusiasts to the Maquoketa Art Experience, a non-profit organization with a physical community space in downtown Maquoketa.

ECIA Communications Plan
Students from the School of Journalism & Mass Communication created a strategic communications plan for East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA) that established internal standards for communicating to members and residents in their region.

Mason City Public Transit Ridership Campaign
Students from the School of Journalism & Mass Communication developed a strategic marketing and communications campaign to attract new riders for the Mason City’s public transit system, using creative outreach materials and various communications platforms to reach target audiences.