Historic Renovation

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Looking Back in Bondurant to Move Forward
Friday, December 8, 2023
Graduate students in a UI Humanities Lab course worked with the Bondurant Historic Society to produce archival research and provide documents that capture the fast-growing community's past.

Keosauqua Building Rehabilitation
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Academic year
Students in a senior capstone project in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering created plans to rehabilitate an abandoned building in Keosauqua, Iowa. The team responded to the client's request to maintain a facade that matches the overall look and feel of the historic downtown; provide residential apartments on the second floor; and create a first-floor restaurant.

Lansing Old Stone School Renovation and Site Development
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Academic year
Students in Civil & Environmental Engineering evaluated a historic structure and created plans for renovating the building and repurposing it for city offices and apartments.