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Waterloo Neighborhood Maps
Students in the ICIGO student organization within the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences created visually-appealing and dynamic maps to show organizational and jurisdictional subsections of Waterloo.
The team used GIS applications to create a user-friendly online map that allows residents to easily access boundary information of distinct parts of the city, including all 31 neighborhood associations, wards and precincts, census tracts, and more.
Waterloo Public Library Account Holder Map and Database
The Waterloo Public Library sought to understand how account holders were spread across Waterloo in order to identify areas that may need to be better served. Addresses of existing account holders were mapped with GIS, which provided several opportunities for further analysis, including account holders outside of city boundaries, households not using WPL services, and more.
Waterloo Public Library Marketing Campaign to Promote Business Services
Juniors in the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute developed a marketing strategy to help the Waterloo Public Library increase outreach to the business community in Waterloo.
Housing Policy & Resources - Part II
Students in the Spring semester Policy and Persuasion course continued developing policy recommendations around high-priority housing issues in Waterloo, building on work done by groups in the previous semester and creating both policy recommendations and resources.
Downtown Waterloo Parking Study
Students in the School of Planning & Public Affairs graduate course Transportation Demand Analysis completed a parking study for Waterloo’s downtown district.
Manchester Road Closing and Rerouting
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students developed a plan to close a section of road to accommodate local airport clearances by designing a new section of road to reroute traffic.
Waterloo Sump Pump Discharge Systems Design & Engineering
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students recommended and designed systems for resolving sump pump discharge issues that have created problems in residential Waterloo neighborhoods.
Manchester Fire Station Expansion
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created designs and provided cost estimates for an expansion to the Manchester Fire Department.
Rethinking Energy in Johnson county
Students in the School of Planning & Public Affairs course Environmental Management and Policy conducted a study for the Johnson Clean Energy District regarding energy efficiency improvements and renewable investment possibilities in Johnson County.
Waterloo Mural
Working closely with Waterloo’s Center for the Arts, MFA student Sean Tyler designed and installed two murals at the gateway to the downtown district.
Housing Policy & Resources - Part I
Students in the Fall semester Policy and Persuasion course worked with Waterloo representatives to first identify some of the most pressing issues related to home ownership and affordability, and then to develop policy recommendations for the City moving forward.
Four student groups focused on distinct, yet overlapping housing issues:
Waterloo Law Enforcement, Mental Health, and Community Relations
Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in the Department of Sociology & Criminology studied the relationship between law enforcement and mental health cases in Waterloo.
Church Row Neighborhood: Sustainable and Equitable Transportation
Combined with the effort to create the Church Row neighborhood plan, a course in the School of Planning & Public Affairs assessed the walkability and accessibility of the Church Row neighborhood, particularly focusing issues of equity that include safety, access to employment and basic needs services, public transportation, parks and open space, and more.
Hero Hustle Documentary
Recent Cinema Arts grad Philip Rabalais teamed up with current film student Timmer Penny to create a short film documentary of the Hero Hustle, an annual event that takes place in Manchester Iowa. Enjoy the video below!
Manchester Waterway and Dry Run Remediation and Redevelopment
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students designed stormwater infrastructure to minimize flooding impacts in Manchester, particularly for structures newly identified as being in the floodplain after recent redrawing of maps.
Waterloo Fair Chance Initiative Study
College of Law students in the Community Empowerment Law Project conducted a study to evaluate the implementation and community awareness about the Fair Chance Initiative in Waterloo, also known as "Ban the Box."
Manchester Extraterritorial Zoning Study
College of Law students in the Community Empowerment Law Project assisted the City of Manchester with a study to understand extraterritorial zoning powers, the process of adoption, and recommendations for next steps.
Manchester - Shelly Park Redevelopment
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created designs for improvements to Manchester's Shelly Park, a highly used amenity adjacent to the whitewater rafting course on the Maquoketa River.
Manchester - Maquoketa River Pedestrian Bridge
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created designs for improvements to Manchester's Schram park, including a pedestrian bridge over the Maquoketa River, a parking lot, and a trail connection that links to the existing trail network.
Manchester Residential Subdivision Site Plan & Engineering
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created a master plan for development of a 24-acre greenfield site in Manchester, Iowa.