Articles from June 2018

Recent Informatics Grad Built Mason City Community Mobile App
Thursday, June 21, 2018
As part of an Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities project and using graphic designs from students in the School of Art & Art History, recent UI Informatics alumna Kaisha Billings built, during her last semester at Iowa, a community-based mobile app on behalf of the City of Mason City and Visit Mason City that connects residents and visitors to the local activities and resources. The Iowa...

UI students, faculty make a difference in Mason City
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
“We wanted to show people that the North End isn’t that different from other parts of the city,” says Steven Van Steenhuyse, UI alumnus (BA ’83, MA ’87) and director of development services for the city of Mason City. “We want to share the good news about some of the new businesses and provide opportunities for people to come and see for themselves that what they thought all along is just not true...

University of Iowa Students, Faculty, and Community Partners Recognized for Outstanding Community Engagement Work
Friday, June 1, 2018
Student, actor, director, teacher, and singer Tempestt Farrar confidently stepped up to the podium Wednesday, May 9, at the 2017-18 Annual Year-End Celebration for the Office of Outreach & Engagement to accept her award for Student Excellence and Service. She looked upward and sang out the first verse of Greatest Love of All. “This is how I feel,” she told an audience of faculty, staff, students...