Bicycles & Pedestrians
Dubuque E-Bike and Scooter Program Market Analysis
Students in a Tippie College of Business marketing consulting course conducted a market analysis and environmental scan to help the City of Dubuque explore the possibility of an e-bike or scooter sharing program.
The City of Dubuque wants to diversity its transportation system and provide more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective options to residents and visitors. A leader in sustainability, Dubuque wanted to learn more about these forms of micro-mobility as alternatives to cars.

Dubuque - JFK Road Analysis and Redesign
For their capstone design project in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, a team of students analyzed the JFK corridor from Carter Rd to Highway 20 and created designs to improve its safety and accessibility.

Clinton Trail Connectivity and Design
For their graduating capstone project, students in Civil and Environmental Engineering created a proposal for a new trail system aimed at cyclists and pedestrians that would connect downtown Clinton to its industrial quarter on the south side.

Clinton - Greening Downtown through Cycling
Students in a course in the School of Planning and Public Affairs developed recommendations to "green" downtown Clinton by improving opportunities for cycling.

Clinton - Activating Downtown Alleyways
Students in a course in the School of Planning and Public Affairs developed recommendations for revitalizing Clinton's alleyways with improved pavers, public art, and other modifications.
Downtown alleyways often serve important functions, such as waste management or service entrances for businesses. However, communities are increasingly recognizing alleyways as opportunities to create unique public spaces while also improving water runoff.

Preston Non-Motorized Connectivity
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students designed sidewalk and trail improvements to increase non-motorized connectivity in Preston, Iowa.

Treynor Pedestrian Infrastructure
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students provided designs of pedestrian infrastructure and sidewalk connectivity for the city of Treynor, Iowa. The students also considered a redesign of the main street crossing. The students provided the city with plans for safe pedestrian crossing while maintaining farm vehicle access.

Sidney Safe Routes to School Trail Design
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students identified trail route alternatives connecting the Sidney community to the Sidney High School located just outside of town, and provided the trail design and cost estimates for the selected route.

Schaller Rails to Trails Engineering
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created design alternatives for a trail system in Schaller, Iowa. The trail site is located along an abandoned rail line within the city, and connects to the county trail system.

Dubuque- Advertising Campaign to Promote Outdoor Recreation in Dubuque
Juniors in the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute created advertising campaigns for Travel Dubuque to promote the outdoor recreational opportunities in the Dubuque area, with a particular focus on attracting mountain biking enthusiasts to the area's growing trail infrastructure.

Boone County Pedestrian Bridge Engineering & Design
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students provided evaluation, design, and cost estimates of the superstructure and substructure for a single span pedestrian bridge that connects campground A to campground B in the Don Williams Recreation Area in Boone County.

Boone County- High Trestle Trail Information Center Engineering & Design
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students provided a design for an information building/shelter at Grant’s Woods located just north of the High Trestle Trail trailhead, site improvements, and related cost estimates.