Bondurant - Parks, Trails, and Greenways Master Plan
Urban & Regional Planning and Sustainable Development graduate students developed new Parks, Trails, and Greenways Master Plan that provides comprehensive vision of Bondurant's local park system, recreation facilities, natural resources, and other public open spaces.
The City of Bondurant faces a unique situation that presents exciting possibilities for PTG planning. Bondurant’s population has grown 90.8% between 2010 and 2020 and continues to expand, which brings various opportunities for its provision of sufficient parks and recreation amenities. With an increasing population comes an increasing need for accessible green space within the city boundaries, which can be achieved through intentional planning for sustainable development.
While Bondurant’s most recent PTG plan was created in 2013, numerous individual parks plans -- such as the Eagle Park Master Plan, the City Park Master Plan, the Art, Culture, and Wayfinding Master Plan, and the Central District Stormwater Master Plan – have added to PTG planning and development in recent years. Additionally, after Bondurant was redesignated as an Iowa Great Place in 2022, the City partnered with the Bondurant Community Foundation to develop updated goals and objectives for the PTG system. This plan builds from those existing frameworks, centering feedback from community members and other stakeholders in the process.
Parks, trails, and greenways are an integral component of Bondurant’s identity and smart growth. Among many benefits outlined in this plan, they offer spaces to gather, recreate, commute, and enjoy the outdoors. Building from past and concurrent plans, the students developed the 2024 Parks, Trails, and Greenways Master Plan update to serve as a guide to further develop a comprehensive network that meets the needs of all residents. The plan centers resident engagement to recommend community-specific strategies that promote accessible recreation, environmental stewardship, safe pathways for multi-modal transportation, and a shared sense of belonging for generations to come.