Bellevue Marketing and Branding
Marketing teams in the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute developed multiple options for new branding, including logos and taglines, for the City of Bellevue.
City of Bellevue officials requested assistance in updating their town's branding to provide a modern appeal and convey the community's uniqueness. Four teams from the Marketing Institute "competed" to develop new branding for Bellevue, with each team creating branding and advertising materials and delivering a final presentation of their recommendations to Bellevue officials. The Bellevue brand update was one of three communities in Jackson County to participate in the branding project- the teams also provided brand concepts for Preston and Sabula.
While Bellevue has not settled on moving forward with any particular logo, officials will adopt a tagline proposed by one of the teams - Iowa's Most Beautiful View. This tagline connects to the translation of the French name Bellevue, which means "beautiful view".
City officials did select one "winning" logo, shown below. All brand proposals can be seen in the final presentations.