Cinematic Arts

Clinton - Making a Music Festival: a Behind the Scenes Documentary
A student in Cinematic Arts created a video to promote the strengths of the city of Clinton. The video has multiple purposes, including to promote tourism and share with prospective businesses.
Clinton - Bethel AME documentary
Arman Hodasefat, an MFA student in Cinematic Arts, created a short documentary film about the Bethel AME Church in Clinton, a historic church that served many members of the Black and African American community and others in Clinton.

Maquoketa River Watershed Short Film
Department of Cinematic Arts student Andrew Senneff created a short informational film about the Maquoketa River Watershed, with the goal of educating the public about the importance of watershed management.

Manchester Community Promotional Video
Recent Cinema Arts grad Philip Rabalais worked closely with Manchester city leaders and residents to create a dynamic promotional video for the community. Enjoy the video below!

Hero Hustle Documentary
Recent Cinema Arts grad Philip Rabalais teamed up with current film student Timmer Penny to create a short film documentary of the Hero Hustle, an annual event that takes place in Manchester Iowa. Enjoy the video below!

Webster City Film Profiles
Film students from the Department of Cinematic Arts created short film profiles of Webster City residents, with the goal of telling personal stories of individuals who are working to make a difference in their community.

Keokuk Film Profiles
Students in Nonfiction Film created short film profiles of Keokuk residents, with the goal of telling stories of individuals who are working to make a difference in their community and are contributing to its vitality and growth.
Students in the Department of Cinematic Arts worked with Keokuk residents who have contributed to the growth of their community with the work they do. The film profiles help portray Keokuk from a variety of unique perspectives.